
2015. 11. 9. 16:49


By Revd. Kong Hee
You've got to ask. You've got to pray. And keep on asking and keep on praying. Bartimaeus cried out to God. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” The people say, "Shut up, shut up, shut up. Don't shout too loud. You know, don't become too radical, charismatic.” Bartimaeus shouts even louder. "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me" Friends, that is what is all about. Faith cannot be shut up. Faith cannot be cast out. Every time you are being put down, faith comes up again, faith rises up again. You see, Jesus says. Now I heard people that say this. "First time you pray, that's faith. Second time you pray, it's unbelief." Hey! What kind of Bible (do) you read? That's not in the Holy Bible.
Luke 18, verse 1, Jesus says, "Every man and every woman must pray constantly without stopping." Keep on ask. Ask, and keep on asking. Seek, and keep on seeking. Knock, and keep on knocking. Because if you keep on asking, you're gonna receive. You keep on seeking, you're gonna find. You keep on knocking, it's gonna be opened to you.” Oh! I can't hear you. Come on. Give him a clap. Now give the Lord a big clap. Halleluiah!





By Revd. Kong Hee


You've got to ask

당신은 요청 해야 합니다.   


You've got to pray.

당신은 기도해야 합니다


And keep on asking / and keep on praying.

계속 요청하십시오         / 그리고 계속 기도하십시오


Bartimaeus cried out / to God

바디메오는 부르짖었습니다. / 하나님께


Jesus, Son of David, / have mercy on me”

“예수님, 다윗의 자손이시여    / 저에게 자비를 베푸소서”


The people say, / "Shut up, shut up,

사람들은 말합니다,   / “닥쳐,  닥쳐


shut up. / Don't shout too loud

닥쳐.     / 너무 큰 소리로 외치지 마.


You know, don't become too radical, / charismatic.”

너무 과격하게 행동하지마, / 은사파야."


Bartimaeus shouts / even louder.

바디메오는 외칩니다     / 훨씬 더 큰 소리로


"Jesus, Son of David, / have mercy on me"

“예수님, 다윗의 자손이시여   / 저에게 자비를 베푸소서”


Friends, that is what is all about.

친구들이여, 그게 바로 모든 것입니다                   


Faith cannot be shut up.

믿음은 입을 틀어 막을 수 없습니다. 


Faith cannot be cast out.

믿음은 내쫓길 수 없습니다.


Every time you are being put down,

매번 당신이 눌림을 당할 때마다


faith comes up again,                                  

믿음은 다시 올라옵니다.


faith rises up again.

믿음은 다시 일어납니다.


You see, Jesus says 

예수님께서는 말씀하십니다.


Now I heard people / that say this.

나는 사람들이 말하는 것을 들었습니다 / 이런 말을 하는


"First time you pray, / that's faith.

첫 번째 기도 하면          / 그것은 바로 믿음입니다.


Second time you pray, / it's unbelief."

두 번째 기도 한다면,          / 그것은 불신앙입니다.


Hey! What kind of Bible (do) you read?     

이봐요! 어떤 종류의 성경을 당신은 읽고 있습니까? 


That's not in the Holy Bible.

그런 소리는 성경에는 없습니다.


Luke eighteen, verse one, Jesus says,

누가 복음 18장 1절, 예수님은 말씀하십니다.


"Every man and every woman must pray

“모든 남자와 여자는 기도해야 한다


constantly without stopping."

계속해서 멈춤 없이.” 


Keep on ask.

계속 요청하십시오.


Ask, / and keep on asking.

요청하십시오, / 그리고 계속 요청하십시오.


Seek, / and keep on seeking.

찾으십시오, / 그리고 계속 찾으십시오.


Knock, and keep on knocking.

두드리십시오, / 그리고 계속 두드리십시오 


Because if you keep on asking,

그 이유는 만약 당신이 계속 요청한다면,


you're gonna receive.

당신은 받게 될 것이기 때문입니다.


You keep on seeking,

당신이 계속 찾으신다면


you're gonna find.      

당신은 발견하게 될 것입니다.


You keep on knocking,

당신이 계속 두드리신다면,


it's gonna be opened to you.”

당신에게 열릴 것입니다.                             


Oh! I can't hear you. / Come on.

오! 잘 안 들립니다         / 자 어서


Give him a clap.

그 분께 박수를 올려드립시다.


Now give the Lord a big clap.

자 주님께 큰 박수를 올려드립시다.






By Revd. Kong Hee
Step number four. You’ve got to receive the miracle. You’ve gotta receive it even before you see it. “Therefore I say to you, Who? Jesus. Whatever things you ask, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you’ll have them.” So you’ve got to believe. I receive it even before I see it. Abraham was 75 years old when God gave him a vision. And God say, “Abraham, you’re gonna have a son. His name will be Isaac. He’s gonna be, out of him will come descendants as many as sand on the seashore, like the stars in the sky.” Now Abraham, 75 years old, he waited 25 years.
A vision may take years before it happens. Now he was a hundred years old right now.
He had not got his son. But Abraham received it in his spirit, in his heart. Even before he saw it physically, he got it inside him. He was pregnant with a vision. So Abraham, standing here has not received it. He walks all the way to God’s side. He says by faith, “God,I receive it. I got it. I’m gonna have a son. I’ll be a father of many nations.” Shout! Halleluiah.





By Revd. Kong Hee


Step number four.    

네 번째 단계입니다.


You've got to receive the miracle.

당신은 기적을 받아야만 합니다


You've gotta receive it

당신은 그것을 받아야만 합니다


even before you see it.

당신이 그것을 보기 전이라도.


"Therefore I say to you, / Who? Jesus.

“그러므로 내가 너희에게 말하노니, / 누구시죠? 예수님입니다


Whatever things you ask, / when you pray,

무엇이든지 너희가 요청하는 것은, / 너희가 기도할 때


believe / that you receive them,

믿으라   / 그것들을 받은 것을


and you'll have them."

그러면 너희는 그것들을 가지게 될 것이다."


So you've got to believe.

그러므로 당신은 믿어야만 합니다


I receive it / even before I see it.

나는 그것을 받습니다 / 내가 그것을 보기 전이라 할지라도.


Abraham was seventy five years old

아브라함은 75세였습니다


when God gave him a vision.

하나님께서 그에게 비전을 주셨을 때


And God say, / "Abraham, you're gonna have a


하나님은 말씀하십니다 / “아브라함아, 너는 아들을 가질 것이다. 


His name will be Isaac.                                      

그의 이름은 이삭이라 불릴 것이다.


He's gonna be, / out of him / will come descendants

그는 될 것이다,       / 그로부터        / 자손들이 나올 것이다


as many as sand on the seashore

바닷가의 모래처럼 많은


like the stars in the sky."

하늘에 있는 별들처럼."


Now Abraham, / seventy five years old,

자 아브라함은,     / 75세로서


he waited twenty five years.

그는 25년을 기다렸습니다.


A vision may take years / before it happens

비전은 수년이 걸릴 수도 있습니다 / 그것이 실제로 일어나기 전까지



Now he was a hundred years old right now.

자 아브라함은 지금100살 이었습니다. .


He had not got his son.

그는 자기 아들을 갖지 못했습니다.


But Abraham received it

하지만 아브라함은 그것을 받았습니다.


in his spirit, / in his heart.

자기의 영혼 안에, / 자기의 가슴 안에 


Even before he saw it / physically,

그가 그것을 보기전이라 할지라도 / 육신적으로


he got it inside him.

그는 그것을 자기 안에 품었습니다


He was pregnant / with a vision.

그는 잉태하였습니다   / 비전을


So Abraham, standing here

그래서 아브라함은, 여기에 서서       


has not received it

그것을 아직 받지 못했지만


He walks / all the way / to God's side.

그는 걷습니다 / 줄곧        / 하나님 곁으로


He says / by faith,

그는 말합니다 / 믿음으로


"God, I receive it. / I got it.

하나님, 저는 받습니다.  / 저는 그것을 받았습니다.


I'm gonna have a son.

저는 아들을 갖게 될 것입니다.


I'll be a father / of many nations.     

저는 아버지가 될 것입니다 /       열국의


Shout! Halleluiah.

외치세요! 할렐루야라고



Confessing & Seeing

By Revd. Kong Hee
Number five. You’ve gotta start speaking and start confessing. Look with me at the verse above it. Mark 11, verse 23. All right?
Jesus, again speaking, “Whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea' and does not doubt in his heart, where? in your heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says”. So you’ve gotta confess it. You’ve gotta say it. You say what you believe God has spoken to you. The sixth step of faith is see. If you can see it, you can have it. Because whatever you see in your mind is gonna come to pass. Every single day, you and I are sitting on an egg. It’s called a vision egg.
My friends, if you are willing to have a vision and to visualize and to see in your mind, then begin to say, “I’m gonna warm it with the fire in the love of God, with the power of the Holy Spirit. Sooner or later, your vision egg will hatch. And all your dreams will come too true for the Glory of God. Halleluiah, Halleluiah. Amen, Amen.



Confessing & Seeing

By Revd. Kong Hee

Number five.

다섯 번째


You’ve gotta start speaking / and start confessing.

당신은 말하기 시작해야 합니다 / 그리고 고백하기 시작해야 합니다.


Look with me / at the verse above it.

저와 함께 봅시다  / 그 위에 있는 성경 구절을


Mark eleven, / verse twenty three.

마가복음 11장,   / 23절


All right? / Jesus, again speaking,

아시겠죠? / 예수님께서 다시 말씀하십니다.


"Whoever says / to this mountain,

"누구든지 말하면     / 이 산에게, 


'Be removed / and be cast / into the sea'

‘들리어서        / 던 지어져라      / 바다 속으로


and does not doubt / in his heart

 의심하지 않고            / 자신의 마음속에


where? / in your heart,

어디에?  / 당신의 마음속에


but believes / that those things he says / will be done,

믿으면          / 자신이 말한 그 일들이 / 이루어질 것이라는 것을



he will have / whatever he says."                               

그는 가지게 될 것이다 / 무엇이든지 자기가 말하는 것은"


So you’ve gotta confess it.

그래서 당신은 그것을 고백해야만 합니다.


You’ve gotta say it.

당신은 그것을 말해야만 합니다.


You say / what you believe                              

당신은 말해야 합니다 / 당신이 믿는 것을


God has spoken to you.

하나님이 당신에게 말씀하셨습니다


The sixth step of faith / is see.

믿음의 여섯 번째 단계는        / 보는 것입니다


If you can see it, / you can have it.

만약 당신이 그것을 볼 수 있으면, / 당신은 그것을 가질 수 있습니다.


Because whatever you see / in your mind

왜냐하면 무엇이든지 당신이 보는 것은 / 당신의 마음속에서


is gonna come to pass.                                      

이루어질 것이기 때문입니다.


Every single day, / you and I are sitting / on an egg.        

날이면 날마다 매일같이, / 여러분과 나는 앉아있습니다   / 알 위에


It’s called a vision egg.

그것은 꿈의 알이라고 불립니다.


My friends, if you are willing / to have a vision

친구 여러분, 만약 당신이 원하신다면     / 비전을 가지기를          


and to visualize / and to see in your mind

그리고 시각화하고     / 마음속에 보기를 원하신다면


then begin to say, / "I’m gonna warm it

그러면 말하기 시작하십시오, / 나는 그것을 데울 것입니다


with the fire in the love of God,

하나님의 사랑의 불로서,                                 


with the power of the Holy Spirit.

성령님의 권능으로서.


Sooner or later, / your vision egg will hatch.      

조만간,              / 당신의 꿈의 알은 부화할 것입니다


And all your dreams will come too true

그리고 모든 당신의 꿈들 또한 실현될 것입니다


for the Glory of God.

하나님의 영광을 위해.


Halleluiah, Halleluiah.

할렐루야,        할렐루야


Amen, Amen.  

아멘,     아멘



By Revd. Kong Hee
Number seven now. Acting. You’ve got to act it out. That’s a final thing. Bartimaeus, he had a desire. He made a decision. He asked and asked again. And then he received it in his spirit. And then he confessed the word. And then now, what happened? He saw in his mind although he was blind. He saw himself opening his eyes. Now he’s gonna act out his faith. Jesus says, ‘Come’. Now his eyes have yet to open. But he steps up by faith. He said, “I don’t have to be blind any more.” He said, “I don’t need this blind man clothes any more. I can throw this away. And Jesus, where are you? I’m coming towards you.”
As he walks towards the Lord, Jesus says, “Be opened” and his eyes open up. Friends, faith is a fact. But faith is also an act. You’ve got to act out your faith. You’ve gotta believe.
Say, ‘Desire’. Say, ‘Decision’. Say, ‘Asking, Receiving’. Say, ‘Confessing, Seeing, cting’. If you do those things, every dream that God has given to you will come to pass.




By Revd. Kong Hee

Number seven now.  

제 7번


Acting. / You’ve got to act it out.

행동하기. / 당신은 행동해야만 합니다.


That’s a final thing.

마지막 단계입니다.


Now, Bartimaeus, / he had a desire.

자, 바디메오,            / 그는 열망을 가졌습니다.


He made a decision.

그는 결심을 했습니다.                   


He asked and asked again.

그는 요청하고 또 요청했습니다.


And then he received it / in his spirit.

그런 후 그는 그것을 받았습니다  / 그의 영으로 


And then he confessed the word.

그리고 나서 그는 그 말을 고백했습니다.


And then now, / what happened?

그런 다음,         / 무슨 일이 일어났습니까?


He saw / in his mind

그는 보았습니다 / 마음속으로


although he was blind.

비록 그가 장님이었음에도 불구하고 


He saw himself / opening his eyes.

그는 그 자신을 보았습니다 / 눈을 뜨는


Now, he’s gonna act out / his faith.                               

자, 그는 실행하려고 합니다       / 그의 믿음을


Jesus says, / ‘come

예수님께서 말씀하십니다, / ‘오너라’


Now, his eyes have yet to open.

지금, 그의 눈은 아직 뜨여지지 않습니다.


But he steps up / by faith.

그러나 그는 일어납니다 / 믿음으로


He said, / “I don’t have to be blind / any more.

그는 말했습니다, / “나는 장님일 필요가 없어     / 더 이상”


He said, / “I don’t need this blind man clothes / any more.

그는 말했습니다 / 나는 이 장님 옷이 필요하지 않아 / 더 이상


I can throw this away.

나는 이것을 멀리 던져버려도 돼.


And Jesus, where are you?

예수님, 어디 계시죠?


I’m coming towards you. 

나는 당신께 가고 있습니다.


As he walks towards the Lord,

그가 주님을 향해 걸어가고 있을 때                   


Jesus says, / “Be opened

예수님은 말씀 하십니다, / “눈을 떠라”


And his eyes open up.      

그러자 그의 눈이 뜨였습니다


Friends, / faith is a fact.      

친구들이여, / 믿음은 사실입니다. 


But faith is also an act.

하지만 믿음은 또한 행동하는 것입니다.


You’ve got to act out / your faith.

당신은 실행해야만 합니다    / 당신의 믿음을


You’ve gotta believe.

당신은 믿어야만 합니다


Say, / ‘Desire’.

말해보세요, / ‘열망’


Say, / ‘Decision’.       

말해보세요, / ‘결단’


Say, / ‘Asking, / Receiving

말하세요, / ‘요청하기’, / ‘받기’


Say, / ‘Confessing, / Seeing, / Acting

말해보세요, / 고백하기,    / 보기,      / 행동하기’


If you do those things,

만약 당신이 그것들을 실행한다면 


every dream / that God has given to you 

모든 꿈들이       / 하나님께서 당신에게 주시는


will come to pass.

이루어질 것입니다.






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