
2015. 11. 1. 14:58

. 믿음



How can we connect with God to receive our miracle for our lives, for your studies, maybe for your finances, maybe for your career, maybe for your spiritual working for your ministry?
How can we connect with God for miracle? Bible says, “Without faith, it’s impossible to please God.” The miracle can only come through one way. Through faith. Everybody says, ‘Faith’. Say louder, ‘Faith’. That means, he who comes to God, must believe, must have faith that God is, that God is alive, God is there, He's there to hear your cry,
He’s there to give you whatever you need, that He is Jehovah-Jireh, your provider, He is Jehovah-Rapah, your healer, he’s there to set you free, he’s a miracle working God, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him. Come on. Give the Lord a big hand. Halleluiah, Amen.


By Revd. Kong He


How can we connect / with God

어떻게 하면 우리는 연결될 수 있을 까요 / 하나님과


to receive our miracle

우리의 기적을 받으려면


for our lives,

우리의 삶을 위해


maybe for your studies,

혹은 당신의 학업을 위해


maybe for your finances,

혹은 당신의 금전적인 문제를 위해


maybe for your marriage,

혹은 당신의 결혼을 위해


maybe for your career,

혹은 당신의 직업을 위해


maybe for your spiritual working / for your ministry.

혹은 당신의 영적 사역을 위해 / 당신의 목회에서


How can we connect / with God / for miracle?

어떻게 하면 우리는 연결될 수 있을까요 / 하나님과 / 기적을 받기위해


Bible says, /“Without faith,

성경은 말합니다 / 믿음이 없이는


It’s impossible / to please God.”

불가능합니다 / 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 것은


The miracle can only come / through one way.

기적은 오직 올 수만 있습니다 / 한 길로만


Through faith.

믿음을 통해서입니다


Every(body) say, /‘Faith

모두 말해보세요 / ‘믿음’이라고


Say louder, /‘Faith

더 크게 말해 보세요, / ‘믿음’


That means, / he who comes to God

그것은 의미합니다 / 하나님께 오는 사람은


must believe,

믿어야만 합니다


must have faith,

믿음을 가져야 합니다


that God is,

하나님이 계시다는 것을


that God is alive,

하나님이 살아 계시다는 것을


God is there.

하나님이 거기에 계시다는 것을

He's there / to hear / your cry.

그가 거기 계시다는 것을 / 듣기 위하여 / 당신의 울음소리를


He's there to / give you / whatever you need.

그가 거기 계시다는 것을/ 당신에게 주시려고 / 당신이 필요한 것은 무엇이든지


that He is Jehovah-Jireh, / your provider.

그가 여호와 이레 / 당신의 공급자이심을


He is Jehovah-Rapha, / your healer.

그가 여호와 라파 / 당신의 치료자이심을


He's there / to set you free.

그가 거기 계심을 / 당신을 자유케 하시기 위해


He's a miracle working God

그가 기적을 만드시는 하나님이심을


and He is a rewarder / of those who diligently seek after Him.

그가 상을 주시는 분이심을 / 부지런히 그를 찾는 사람들에게


Come on. / Give the Lord a big hand.

자 / 하나님께 큰 박수를 올려 드립시다


Halleluiah, Amen.

할렐루야 아멘


. 비젼


Let’s start by step number one. Let’s go to verse 47. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he, Bartimaeus, began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” Number one. If you wanna turn your faith loose, you’ve gotta have a desire. Bartimaeus desired to be well. For too long, he was blind, sitting by the side of the road, begging, living on leftovers. No vision for his life. No vision for the future. Maybe some of you are in a situation like that. You have no vision for your education. You have no vision for your career. You have no vision for your marriage. You have no vision for your life.
I meet people and ask them, “How are you doing in life? Well, just surviving.” Friends, we are not called to be survivors.
We are called to be the head, and not the tail. Above, and not beneath. Blessings are coming in. Blessings are going (to) fall. We are called to be overcomers. Oh, come on. Give the Lord a big clap. What is worse than physical blindness? It’s a person without a vision or dream in his or her life.
Without a vision, the people perish. Without a vision, you cannot be a leader. But every Christian is called to be a leader. You say why? Because Jesus says so.


By Revd. Kong He


Let's start / by step number one.  

시작합시다    / 1 단계부터. 


Let's go to verse forty seven.

47절로 가봅시다.                         


And when he heard / that it was Jesus of Nazareth,

그가 들었을 때         / 나사렛 예수라는 것을.


he, Bartimaeus, began / to cry out and say

그 사람, 바디매오는 시작했습니다 / 외치며 말하길


Jesus, Son of David, / have mercy on me”

다윗의 자손 예수여         / 저에게 자비를 베푸소서


Number one.

넘버 원


If you wanna / turn your faith loose,

만약에 당신이 원한다면 / 당신의 믿음을 작동시키길


you've gotta have a desire.

당신은 열망을 가져야 합니다.


Bartimaeus desired / to be well.  

바디오메는 열망했습니다  / 건강해지길


For too long, / he was blind,

너무나 오랫동안  / 그는 소경으로 살아왔습니다


sitting / by the side of the road

않아있으면서  / 길가에


begging, / living on leftovers.

구걸을 하면서 / 먹다 남은 음식에 의존해서 살며


No vision for his life.

그의 인생에 대한 비전이 없습니다.


No vision for the future.

미래에 대한 비전도 없습니다.


Maybe some of you / are in a situation like that.

아마 여러분들 중 몇몇은 / 그러한 상황에 처해 있는 분들이 있으실 겁니다.  


You have no vision / for your education.

당신은 비전이 없습니다   / 당신의 교육에 대한.


You have no vision / for your career.

당신은 비전이 없습니다   / 당신의 출세가도에 대해.


You have no vision / for your marriage

당신은 비전이 없습니다   / 당신의 결혼 생활에 대해.


You have no vision / for your life.

당신은 비전이 없습니다   / 당신의 인생에 대해.


I meet people / and ask them,     

나는 사람들을 만납니다 / 그리고 그들에게 묻습니다.


How are you doing in life?

사는게 어떠세요?


Well, just surviving.”

그저, 마지못해 살아요


Friends, / we are not called / to be survivors

친구들이여 / 우리는 부름을 받지 않았습니다 / 단지 마지못해 살아가는 사람들로.


We are called / to be the head, / and not the tail.

우리는 부름을 받았습니다 / 머리가 되며 / 꼬리가 되지 않도록


Above, / and not beneath.

위에만 있고 / 아래에 있지 않도록.


Blessings are coming in.

축복이 오고 있습니다.


Blessings are going (to) fall.

축복이 쏟아집니다.


We are called / to be overcomers.

우리는 부름을 받았습니다 / 정복자로.


Oh, come on. / Give the Lord a big clap.

자 어서          / 하나님께 큰 박수를 올려 보냅시다.                


What is worse / than physical blindness?

무엇이 더 나쁩니까 / 육체적으로 눈이 먼 것보다 


It's a person without a vision or dream / in his or her life.

그것은 비전이나 꿈이 없는 사람입니다 / 자기 인생에서


Without a vision, / the people perish.

비전이 없으면         / 그 민족은 멸망하고 맙니다.


Without a vision, / you cannot be a leader.

비전이 없으면         / 당신은 지도자가 될 수 없습니다.



But every Christian / is called / to be a leader.

하지만 모든 그리스도인들은 /부름을 받았습니다 /지도자가 되도록


You say why?

왜인지 아세요?


Because Jesus says so.

왜냐하면 예수님께서 그렇게 말씀하셨기 때문입니다.


. 열망


Do you have a vision for our church? Do you have a vision for our city? Do you have a vision for your own life? What do you see yourself, in your studies, in your education? Do you see yourself finishing the degree? Do you see yourself getting the MBA? Do you see yourself getting the Ph.D? What do you see yourself financially in your savings account? How many zeroes do you wanna have? You said, “Pastor, can I ask?” Of course, you can. You see, can you desire? Yes, you can. It costs nothing to desire. God is not against you having money. He is against money having you.
And if you can control money, and not let money control you, God is gonna bless you. How many zeroes do you want? They are after all the zeroes. You know, you want four zeroes? Five zeroes? Six zeroes? What do you see in your marriage? Do you see yourself? Do you have a desire that for, fifty, sixty, seventy years, you’re gonna stay in love with one man or stay in love with one woman as long as you live till death do us part. Do you see yourself and desire that?


By Revd. Kong Hee

Do you have a vision / for our church?

당신은 비전을 가지고 계십니까 / 우리의 교회에 대한


Do you have a vision / for our city?

당신은 비전이 있습니까     / 우리 도시에 대한


Do you have a vision / for your own life?

당신은 비전이 있습니까     / 당신 자신의 삶에 대해서


What do you see yourself,

당신은 자신에게 있어서 무엇이 보입니까


in your studies, / in your education?

당신의 공부에서,     / 당신의 학업에서


Do you see yourself / finishing the degree?

당신은 자신이 보이십니까  / 학위를 마치는 것을


Do you see yourself / getting the MBA?

당신은 자신이 보입니까    / MBA를 따는 모습을


Do you see yourself / getting the Ph.D?

당신은 자신이 보이십니까  / 박사학위를 취득하는 모습을


What do you see yourself financially / in your savings account?

당신은 자신에게 있어서 재정적으로 어떤 모습이 보입니까 / 당신의 저축 예금에서 


How many zeroes / do you wanna have?

얼마나 많은 0을        / 당신은 가지길 원하십니까?


You said, / “Pastor, can I ask?” 

당신은 말씀하셨죠, / “목사님, 제가 요청해도 되나요?”


Of course, you can

물론이죠, 하실 수 있습니다.


You see, can you desire?

당신이 열망해도 되냐구요?


Yes, you can.

예,  하실 수 있습니다


It costs nothing / to desire.

한 푼도 들지 않습니다 / 열망하는 데는 


God is not against / you having money

하나님은 반대하시지 않습니다 / 당신이 돈을 가지는 것을


He is against / money having you.

그 분은 반대하십니다 / 돈이 당신을 가지는 것을


And if you can control money,

그리고 만약 당신이 돈을 통제할 수 있고


and not let money control you,

돈이 당신을 통제하도록 허용하지 않는다면


God is gonna bless you.

하나님은 당신을 축복하실 겁니다.


How many zeroes / do you want?

얼마나 많은 0을       / 당신은 원하십니까?


They are after all the zeroes.

그것들은 결국 0에 지나지 않습니다


You know, you want four zeroes?

당신은 네 개의 0을 원하십니까?


Five zeroes? / Six zeroes?

다섯 개의 0      / 여섯 개의 0


What do you see   / in your marriage?

당신은 무엇이 보이십니까 / 당신의 결혼 생활에서


Do you see yourself?

당신은 자신이 보이십니까?


Do you have a desire that

당신은 열망을 가지고 있습니까


for fifty, sixty, seventy years,     

50년, 60년, 70년 동안 


you're gonna stay in love / with one man

당신은 사랑 안에 머물러 있기를   / 한 남자와


or stay in love / with one woman 

혹은 사랑 안에 머물러 있도록 / 한 여자와


as long as you live / till death do us part.

당신이 살아 있는 동안   / 죽음이 우리를 갈라 놀 때까지


Do you see yourself / and desire that?

당신은 자신이 보이십니까   / 그리고 그것을 열망하십니까?


. 결단


Number two. You’ve got to have a decision. You’ve got to make up your mind. Bartimaeus made a decision to go to Jesus and get his healing. You ought to decide today. When Jesus was walking by, he could have been like so many charismatics. “Oh! I worship you Lord.” Jesus is walking. “I praise your name. Bye-bye, Jesus, Good-bye.” And he would still be blind for the rest of his life.
Friends, the presence of God travels through the atmosphere of worship. And I’ve been to worship meetings where people walk in sick and they left sick. They walk in with a need. They left with a need. You don’t just need the presence of God.
If you want a miracle, you need the power of God. And the power can only come through atmosphere of faith. So you’ve got to decide. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Are you gonna go for the power? Are you gonna turn your faith loose? Are you gonna trust God? Are you gonna ask from God? You’ve gotta make up your mind. Oh! Come on, give the Lord, make a big hand. Halleluiah!


By Revd. Kong Hee

Number two.



You've got to have a decision.

당신은 결정을 해야만 합니다


You've got to make up / your mind.

당신은 정해야 합니다         / 당신의 마음을


Bartimaeus made a decision

바디메오는 결심을 했습니다 


to go to Jesus 

예수님께 가서


and get his healing.

치유를 받기로


You ought to decide today.

당신은 오늘 결정하는 게 좋습니다. 


When Jesus was walking by,  

예수님께서 걸어서 지나가고 계셨을 때 


He could have been / like so many charismatics.

바디매오는 할 수도 있었습니다 / 아주 많은 은사주의자들처럼 


Oh! I worship you, Lord".

“오! 당신을 경배합니다, 주님”


Jesus is walking.

예수님께서 걸어가십니다


“I praise your name.

“당신의 이름을 찬양합니다”


Bye-bye, Jesus, Good-bye”.

“안녕히 가세요, 예수님, 잘 가세요”


And he would still be blind / for the rest of his life.

그는 여전히 장님인체로 남아있을 것입니다 / 그의 남은 여생 동안


Friends, / the presence of God travels

친구들이여, / 하나님의 임재는 지나가십니다


through the atmosphere of worship.

예배의 분위기를 통해서


And I've been to / worship meetings

저는 가본적이 있습니다 / 경배하는 모임에


where people walk / in sick

그곳에는 사람들이 걸어 들어옵니다 / 아픈 상태로


and they left sick

그리고 아픈 상태로 떠나갑니다.


They walk in / with a need.

그들은 걸어 들어옵니다 / 결핍된 상태로


They left / with a need.

그들은 떠나갑니다 / 결핍된 상태로


You don't just need the presence of God.   

당신은 하나님의 임재만 필요한 게 아닙니다   


If you want a miracle,

만약 당신이 기적을 원하신다면,


you need the power of God.

당신은 하나님의 권능이 필요합니다.


And the power can only come

그리고 그 권능은 올 수만 있습니다


through atmosphere of faith.

믿음의 분위기를 통해서


So you've got to decide.

그러므로 당신은 결정해야 합니다


A double minded man / is unstable / in all his ways.

두 마음을 품은 사람은   / 불안정합니다 / 그의 모든 행사에서


Are you gonna go for / the power?    

당신은 얻으려고 하십니까 / 하나님의 권능을  


Are you gonna turn your faith loose?

당신은 당신의 믿음을 작동 시키시렵니까?


Are you gonna trust God?

당신은 하나님을 신뢰하실 겁니까?


Are you gonna ask / from God?

당신은 요청하시렵니까   / 하나님으로부터


You've gotta make up / your mind.

당신은 정해야만 합니다      / 당신의 마음을


Oh! Come on, / give the Lord, make a big hand.

오! 자 어서       / 주님께 큰 박수를 올려드립시다






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