
2015. 10. 25. 20:28



Every day we are going to have all kinds of negative, discouraging thoughts, bombarding our minds. We cannot stop those thoughts from coming. But we can choose whether or not we are going to dwell on them. I heard somebody say, "You can't keep the birds from flying over your head. But you can keep them from building a nest in your hair." And in the same way, just because that old thought comes in, “Hey, you are going to get cancer just like your mother or that company is going to lay you off.
You know it's coming or your marriage, that's never going to work.” You don't have to dwell on that junk. Get it out of your mind. Stay in faith. Stay hopeful. Expect good things. See, the only door way the enemy has into your life is through your thinking. The battle is taking place right here. If you can just stand guard over that door way and learn to think good thought, and expect good things, then you can live a victorious life.




When you are tempted to worry and you are tempted to get all negative, no, learn to just switch it around. Say "Father, thank you that your angels have charge over my son, my daughter. I know you've got him in the palm of your hand.” So I refuse to worry. I refuse to give in to fear. I know you are in control. See, don't fear the worse. Believe the best. Expect to see him. Expect the angels to protect him. Expect him to come home healthy and whole. That's what activates God's power. You've gotta stand guard over the doorway of your mind. And nobody can do this for you. You've gotta learn how to cast down those negative, discouraging thoughts.
Says in 2 Corinthians, 10 verse 4, “We need to get rid of every evil imagination.” Do you know, if you dwell on a negative thought long enough, you'll start seeing all kinds of negative scenarios in your mind. Just like a movie screen, your mind will play out every worst possible situation. You'll see that family member not coming home. You’ll see your marriage falling apart. You'll see your financial situation going down hill. No, don't dwell on that junk. And especially don't go around talking about it. We give life to what we believe about what we say.




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Posted by 김재오