
2015. 11. 11. 12:16


Born Again 1

By Billy Graham
Now when Jesus said this to Nicodemus, Nicodemus was no ordinary person. He was a ruler. He was a senator in the parliament of that day. He was also a theological professor. He fasted two days a week. He spent two hours everyday at the temple in prayer. He tithed all of his income. And most churches would have been glad to have him. But Jesus said, “Nicodemus, that's not enough. You are a senator. Member of the Great Sanhedrin. A powerful man in Jerusalem. You are a theological professor. You have all the outward trappings of a believer and a Christian. But that’s not enough.
You must be born again.” And Jesus didn't say, "You ought to be born again." He said, “You’ll have to be born again, if you are to get to the Kingdom.” In other words, Jesus is talking about that it’s easy to profess being a Christian. But it’s a different matter to really know Jesus Christ down in your heart. You must know the Christ of Christianity for yourself. You must be born again.




Born Again 1

By Revd. Billy Graham

Now when Jesus said this / to Nicodemus,

예수님께서 이것을 말씀하셨을 때 / 니고데모에게


Nicodemus was no ordinary person.

니고데모는 평범한 사람이 아니었습니다.


He was a ruler.                  

그는 통치자였습니다.                    


He was a senator / in the parliament of that day.

그는 상원 의원이었습니다 / 그 당시의 국회에서


He was also a theological professor.

그는 또한 신학 교수였습니다.


He fasted two days a week

그는 일주일에 두 번 금식을 했습니다.


He spent two hours / everyday at the temple / in prayer.

그는 두 시간을 보냈습니다 / 매일 성전에서 / 기도로


He tithed / all of his income

그는 십일조를 했습니다 / 그의 소득 모두에서


And most churches would have been glad / to have him.

대부분의 교회들은 기뻐했을 것입니다 / 그를 가지기를


But Jesus said, / “Nicodemus, that's not enough.

하지만 예수님은 말씀하셨습니다 / 니고데모야, 그것으로 충분하지 않다.



You are a senator.

너는 상원 의원이다


Member of the Great Sanhedrin.

산헤드린 공회의 일원이다.


A powerful man in Jerusalem.

예루살렘에 권세 있는 사람이다.


You are a theological professor.

너는 신학 교수이다.


You have all the outward trappings

너는 모든 외적인 장신구들을 갖추고 있다


of a believer and a Christian

신자와 그리스도인의


But that’s not enough

하지만 그것으로 충분하지 않다


You must be born again.”

너는 거듭나야 한다.


And Jesus didn't say,

예수님은 말씀하지 않으셨습니다


"You ought to be born again."

“너는 거듭 나는 게 좋을 거야.”


He said, / “You’ll have to be born again,

그는 말씀하셨습니다, “너는 거듭나야만 할 것이다.”


if you are to get to the Kingdom.”

만약 네가 천국에 들어가려거든


In other words, / Jesus is talking about

다시 말해서,       / 예수님은 말씀하고 계십니다                       


that it’s easy / to profess being a Christian.

쉽다고          / 그리스도인이라고 공언하는 것이


But it’s a different matter                                              

하지만 그것은 다른 문제라고


to really know Jesus Christ / down in your heart.

진정으로 예수 그리스도를 아는 것은 / 당신의 가슴 깊은 곳에


You must know / the Christ of Christianity for yourself

당신은 아셔야 합니다 / 기독교 본질의 그리스도를 / 당신 스스로


You must be born again.

당신은 거듭나야 합니다.



Born Again 2

By Billy Graham
The thing you need to do is to be born again. Jesus said to this man, “You must be born again.” George Whitfield who was one of the founders of Methodism along with John and Charles Wesley, he preached the straight week on this text, "You must be born again every night.” And finally some of the leaders in New England where he was preaching about two hundred years ago, little over two hundred years ago said, “Let’s go call on George Whitfield and talk to him about this. He doesn’t take a new text.” So they went to see him.
Now, George Whitfield, as you know, was one of the founders of the university of Pennsylvania. And so they called on George Whitfield. They said, “Mr. Whitfield, can’t you change a text? You’ve taken the same text every night from John the third chapter, “You must be born again.” And George Whitfield looked at them and he said, “All right, I’ll change my text when you are born again.” And that’s the way how Jesus said, “You must be born again.”




Born Again 2

By Revd. Billy Graham

The thing you need to do / is to be born again.

여러분이 해야 할 일은           / 거듭나는 것입니다.


Jesus said / to this man,

예수님은 말씀하셨습니다 / 이 사람에게


"You must be born again."

"너는 거듭나야만 한다."                      


George Whitfield / who was one of the founders / of Methodism 

죠지 휘필드는    / 창시자들 중의 한 사람입니다 / 감리교의


along with John and Charles Wesley.

요한 웨슬리와 찰스 웨슬리와 더불어


He preached / the straight week / on this text,

그는 설교를 했습니다 / 주중 내내        / 이 본문에 관해


"You must be born again." / every night

"당신은 거듭나야만 합니다."         / 매일 밤마다


And finally some of the leaders

마침내 지도자들 중 몇 명은


in New England / where he was preaching

뉴잉글랜드에서      / 그가 설교했었던 곳인


about two hundred years ago, / little over two hundred years ago

약 2백 년 전에                       / 2백 년 남짓 전에


said, / "Let’s go call on / George Whitfield

말하기를, / " 가서 방문합시다  / 죠지 휘필드씨를 


and talk to him / about this.

그리고 그에게 말합시다 / 이 문제에 대하여."


He doesn’t take a new text.”

그는 새로운 본문을 사용하지 않아요.”


So they went / to see him. 

그래서 그들은 갔습니다 / 그를 만나기 위해


Now, George Whitfield, / as you know

죠지 휘필드는                 / 여러분들도 아시다시피


was one of the founders / of the university of Pennsylvania.

창립자들 중의 한 사람입니다   / 펜실베니아 대학의


And so they called on / George Whitfield.

그래서 그들은 방문했습니다  / 죠지 휘필드를


They said, / "Mr. Whitfield, can’t you change a text?

그들은 말했습니다 / 휘필드씨, 당신은 본문을 바꿀 수 없나요?


You’ve taken the same text / every night

당신은 똑 같은 본문을 사용해오고 있습니다 / 매일 밤마다


from John the third chapter, / "You must be born again.”

요한복음 3장에서,             / "당신은 거듭나야 합니다."    


And George Whitfield looked at them

그러자 죠지 휘필드는 그들을 바라보았고



and he said,  / “All right, / I’ll change my text

그리고 말했습니다 / 좋아요,     / 본문을 바꾸겠습니다


when you are born again.”

당신들이 거듭나면 


And that’s the way / how Jesus said,

그것이 바로 그 방식입니다  / 예수님께서 말씀하셨던  


"You must be born again."

당신은 거듭나야 합니다


Born Again 3

By Billy Graham
I think it’s very important that we find out “what is a born again Christian?” and “what is a born again Christian supposed to be like?” And everybody is asking, “What does it mean to be born again?” I’m getting all kinds of letters from people asking me that question. And the greatest need in the world at this moment is a transformation of human nature. To make people quit hating each other, fighting each other, and start loving each other, you can’t pass a law, and make people love each other. It has to come from the heart. It’s very easy to get up and say,
“I’m a Christian.” It’s very easy to get up and say, “I believe the Bible from cover to cover.” But do you have it really in your heart? Have you really been born again? Are you a new creation in Christ Jesus? Have you said, “I’m willing to deny myself and take up the Cross, and go even to the Cross with Christ?” That’s what it means to be a born again believer and Christian.




Born Again 3

By Revd. Billy Graham


I think / it’s very important / that we find out

나는 생각합니다 / 아주 중요하다고 / 우리가 알아내는 것이


"What is a born again Christian?”

거듭난 크리스천인지 무엇인지?


and "What is a born again Christian / supposed to be like?”

거듭난 크리스천이 / 어떠해야 하는 지를


And everybody is asking,

모두들 묻습니다


"What does it mean / to be born again?"

무엇을 의미합니까 / 거듭난다는 것이


I’m getting all kinds of letters

나는 온갖 종류의 편지를 받고 있습니다


from people / asking me that question.

사람들로부터 / 그 문제를 질문하는


And the greatest need / in the world / at this moment

가장 큰 필요는 / 세상에서 / 지금 이 순간


is a transformation of human nature.

인간 본성의 변화입니다


To make people quit / hating each other,

사람들을 그만두게 하기 위해 / 서로 미워하는 것을


fighting each other,

서로 싸우는 것을


and start loving each other,

그리고 서로 사랑하기를 시작하도록


you can’t pass a law,

당신은 법을 통과시켜서


and make people love each other.

사람들이 서로 사랑하도록 만들 수는 없습니다


It has to come / from the heart.

그것은 나와야 합니다 / 마음으로부터


It’s very easy / to get up and say,

아주 쉽습니다 / 일어나서 말하는 것은


"I’m a Christian.

내가 크리스천이라고


It’s very easy / to get up and say,

아주 쉽습니다 / 일어나서 말하는 것은


"I believe the Bible / from cover to cover."

나는 성경을 믿습니다 / 처음부터 끝까지


But do you have it really / in your heart?

하지만 그것을 진정 가지고 계십니까 / 당신의 마음속에


Have you really been born again?

당신은 진정으로 거듭 나셨나요?


Are you a new creation / in Christ Jesus?

당신은 새로운 피조물입니까 / 그리스도 예수 안에서


Have you said,

당신은 말한 적이 있으십니까


"I’m willing / to deny myself

나는 기꺼이 / 내 자신을 부인하고


and take up the Cross,

십자가를 지고


and go even to the cross / with Christ?”

심지어는 십자가에 가겠다고 / 그리스도와 함께


That’s what it means

그것이 바로 뜻하는 것입니다


to be a born again believer and Christian.

거듭난 신자와 크리스천이 된다는 것이



Born Again 4

By Billy Graham
Jesus said,
“From within, out of the heart, from within proceed the evil thoughts and the murders and the adulteries and the fornications, and the false witnesses, all the rest of it.” He said, “These are the things which defile a man.” The problem is the human heart. The heart is the same. The Bible says that we all have a disease. And this thing called sin, God never meant it. We have it. He meant that we were to live perfect lives in obedience to him and build the wonderful and thrilling paradise on this planet. But we rebelled against God.
And we all inherited a sin, the tendency to sin, from our parents. By one man, sin came. That was Adam. That first Adam, Adam and Eve, they sinned. Their children were sinners. Their children were sinners on down to you and me. It was passed to us by our forefathers. And because of our sin, we die. The cause of death is sin. And death is totally in every generation. Everybody is going to die.




Born Again 4

By Revd. Billy Graham

Jesus said, / “From within

예수님은 말씀하셨습니다, / “안으로부터


out of the heart, / from within

마음에서,           / 안으로부터


proceed / the evil thoughts and the murders and the adulteries

생겨난다  / 악한 생각들과 살인과 간통


and the fornications, and the false witnesses, / all the rest of it.”

간음과 거짓 증거와 / 그 외의 모든 것들이


He said, / “These are the things / which defile a man.”

그분은 말씀하셨습니다, /  "이것들이 그것들이다 / 사람을 더럽게 하는


The problem is the human heart.

문제는 인간의 마음입니다.


The heart is the same.

그 마음은 같습니다.


The Bible says / that we all have a disease.

성경은 말합니다   / 우리 모두는 한 질병을 가지고 있다고


And this thing called sin,

죄라고 불리는 이것,                                                  


God never meant it.

하나님은 결코 그것을 의도하지 않으셨습니다.


We have it.

우리는 그 것을 가지고 있습니다.


He meant that / we were to live

그는 의도하셨습니다 / 우리가 살도록


perfect lives / in obedience to Him

온전한 삶을     / 그 분께 순종하는


and build the wonderful and thrilling paradise / on this planet.

그리고 아름답고 신나는 낙원을 건설하도록 / 이 세상에서


But we rebelled against God.

하지만 우리는 하나님께 반역을 저질렀습니다


And we all inherited a sin

그리고 우리 모두는 죄를 물려 받았습니다


the tendency to sin, / from our parents.

죄를 짓고자 하는 성향,   / 우리 부모로부터


By one man, / sin came

한 사람에 의해, / 죄가 찾아왔습니다.


That was Adam. / That first Adam,

그 사람은 아담입니다. / 그 첫 아담,


Adam and Eve, / they sinned.

아담과 이브,       / 그들은 죄를 지었습니다.


Their children were sinners.

그들의 자녀들은 죄인들이었습니다.



Their children were sinners

그들의 자녀들은 죄인들이었습니다.


on down to you and me.

계속해서 내려와 여러분과 저에게까지


It was passed to us / by our forefathers

그것은 우리에게 전해 졌습니다 / 우리 조상들에 의해


And because of our sin, / we die.

우리의 죄 때문에,              / 우리는 죽습니다.


The cause of death is sin.

죽음의 원인은 죄입니다.


And death is totally in every generation

죽음은 총체적으로 모든 세대에 존재하고 있습니다               


Everybody is going to die.

모든 사람에게 죽음은 예정되어 있습니다.



Born Again 5

By Billy Graham
Jesus said, “You must be born again.” How is it accomplished? A mystery. How can I come to a person who’s dying on a cross, two thousand years ago and say, “Lord, Jesus. I’m a sinner. I’m sorry for my sins. But by faith I receive you into my heart.” How could that happen and transform my life, forever? And give me eternal life? And I have a whole new beginning. The past is wiped out. It all starts over again. A new birth. Foolish? Yes or you remember the time that the serpents began to attack the children of Israel and many hundreds of people were dying and God said to Moses,
“Make a serpent of brass and lift it up and let the people look by faith to that serpent of brass and they’ll be healed. Foolish! There’s no medical power in a serpent of brass. God said, “Look beyond the serpent to me. Just do what I tell you even though it’s foolish.” Jesus said, “I’m going to be lifted up. Look unto me and be saved.”




Born Again 5

By Revd. Billy Graham

Jesus said, / “You must be born again.”

예수님은 말씀하셨습니다 / “너는 거듭나야 한다.”


How is it accomplished?

어떻게 그러한 일이 이루어질 수 있을까요?


A mystery.



How can I come to a person who’s dying

어떻게 내가 죽었던 사람에게 가서


on a cross, / two thousand years ago

십자가에서    / 2천년 전에


and say, / “Lord, Jesus.  I’m a sinner

말할 수 있을까요? / “주 예수님. 저는 죄인입니다.


I’m sorry for my sins

저의 죄에 대해 애통해하고 있습니다 


But by faith / I receive you / into my heart.”

하지만 믿음으로 / 저는 당신을 영접합니다 / 제 마음속으로


How could that happen

어떻게 그런 일이 일어나서


and transform my life, forever?

내 삶을 변화시킬 수 있습니까, 영원히?


And give me eternal life?

그리고 영생을 내게 줄 수 있습니까?


And I have a whole new beginning.
그리고  나는 온전한 새 출발을 가지게 됩니다.


The past is wiped out

과거는 깨끗이 지워졌습니다


It all starts over again

전적으로 다시 시작합니다


A new birth

새로운 탄생입니다.


Foolish? Yes

어리석다구요? 그렇습니다


Or you remember the time   

아니면 그 때를 기억하시나요


that the serpents began to attack / the children of Israel

독사들이 공격하기 시작했던          / 이스라엘 자녀들을


and many hundreds of people were dying

수 백 명의 사람들이 죽어가고 있었습니다


and God said to Moses,

하나님은 모세에게 말씀하셨습니다


Make a serpent of brass / and lift it up

“구리 뱀을 만들고               / 그것을 높이 들어 올려서


and let the people look / by faith

사람들로 보게 하라           / 믿음으로


to that serpent of brass / and they’ll be healed.

그 구리 뱀을                  / 그러면 그들은 치유 받을 것이다.


Foolish! / There’s no medical power 

어리석은 짓입니다! / 어떤 치료 힘도 없습니다


in a serpent of brass.

구리 뱀에는                          


God said, / “Look beyond the serpent to me.

하나님은 말씀하셨습니다 / “뱀 너머에 있는 나를 보아라


Just do what I tell you / even though it’s foolish.”

단지 나의 말대로 하라      / 그것이 어리석을 지라도”


Jesus said, / “I’m going to be lifted up.    

예수님은 말씀하셨습니다 / “내가 들림을 받으리라


Look unto me and be saved.”

나를 바라 보아라 그러면 구원을 얻을 것이다”





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Posted by 김재오